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Jaw-dropping News – Timetics WordPress is Now AI-Powered

Timetics WordPress released with AI integration and 3 more features

Yes, it finally happened! Timetics WordPress is now an AI-Powered plugin. With this new update, there is no looking back. We will go full speed with so many great features that you can’t even imagine. 

We have implemented the first phase of the AI integration in Timetics and we will continue to add more features to this from this day on. 

In this current update, apart from the AI integration, we have also added 3 more features and improved one of Timetics’ previous features too. So, let’s dive into the exciting new features.

Timetics WordPress AI Integration is Here

Timetics WordPress is now AI powered

Timetics WP has stepped into a new realm with the first phase of AI Integration. 

Now, your clients will see a recommendation list based on the previous booking history. Confused? 

Let’s look at a real-world example here. Suppose, you run a Salon where you provide hairdressing, shaving, face-washing, and many other services. 

A client booked an appointment with one of your barbers for a hairdressing service a few months back and has now returned for another appointment. 

This time, your client will see a recommended list of barbers based on previous booking histories. 

This will make the user experience of your client much more enhanced and increase user satisfaction when he/she is offered a recommendation. It will also increase your sales exponentially.

This is just the beginning, soon, Timetics WP will have more interesting AI features that will make both your and your client’s life easier than ever.

Timetics WordPress Also Got Upgraded with 3 New Features

We didn’t stop with only implementing AI on the new version. We went on our way to give you three more features that will bring a new level to your convenience with using Timetics WP. 

Time Zone Detection, User Dashboard, and Availability preference are the 3 features we added in Timetics WP alongside AI integration. So, let’s take a closer look at them.

Time Zone Detect

If you have to work with a client in a different country and time zone, there is a high chance you have messed up the meeting time at least once. 

Scheduling a meeting at the wrong time for your client is not what you want to do if you want to make it as a successful business owner. 

To reduce those problems from the root, we have brought you the time zone detection feature. 

Let’s say that you live in New York and a client of yours lives in London. The time difference between the two places is 5 hours. You’ve set the meeting time at 4 PM according to your local time. With the Time Zone Detection feature, your client will see the meeting time according to his/her local time zone which is 9 PM.

This will bring a whole new level of convenience to you and your clients.

User Dashboard

Your clients will have their own user dashboard. From there, they will be able to see their booking history. They will also be able to reschedule and cancel any booking from the user dashboard.

Availability Preference

There are times when we don’t feel like taking another appointment or because of the national holidays we have to take a day off. 

With this new feature, you can overwrite your existing availability list and customize your availability for any occasion. 

We Improved Another Feature

We continuously try to improve ourselves and our products. In the last update, we improved the manual booking feature where the admin can now manually book an appointment from the backend for any sort of meeting. 

In the new update, we improved the analytics section of Timetics WP.

Detailed Analytics and Report

Now, you will get a more detailed dashboard with more analytics and reports. You will be able to make more informed and precise decisions with the new data and make your business soar higher.


= Timetics v1.0.7=

New:     Customer Dashboard
Tweak:  Details report about meetings, bookings, and customer
New:     Auto timezone detection for customer

= Timetics Pro v1.0.5 =

New:     Availability Preferences/ Block holidays/ Availability for a Specific Time Period
New:     AI integration 


This new update marks the entry of Timetics WordPress into a new era, the era of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Timetics WP is now officially an AI-Powered WordPress appointment booking plugin. 

Apart from the AI integration, Timetics WP has also arrived with three more features and an improved feature that will make your life more convenient. 

So, update Timetics WP and Timetics Pro now to step into the new era of Artificial Intelligence and enjoy the ultimate convenience! 

N.B. The time for the summer deal 2023 is running out. Hurry up, grab the deal, and get Timetics WordPress at a flat 35% discount!

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