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20 Best Time Management Systems For Every Business


Time is everything.

The more you save time on your work, the more work you get to do and earn more, or enjoy your leisure time.

And thatโ€™s where time management systems come into play.

Time management, by definition, saves time at the workplace where teams struggle to meet their deadlines and finish the tasks with strong priorities.

There are many time management systems you can follow to manage your time, meet your deadlines, and increase your productivity with your team members.

In this article, weโ€™ll show you the 21 Best Time Management Systems for Every Business that you can follow.

Letโ€™s take a look.

20 Life-Saving Time Management Systems For Every Business

Effective time management is important, especially for businesses where you cannot afford time to waste.

With all these chaos of tasks flying around the workplace, mastering time management can surely be a golden ticket to the highest productivity and meeting goals without errors.

Letโ€™s take a look at the 20 best time management systems for every business owner that you can choose from.

From the 1-3-5 Rule to the Pomodoro Technique, weโ€™ll dive into each method, discuss its benefits for businesses, show actionable steps to make it work, and share some useful tools and plugins to integrate these time management systems into your business.

1. The 1-3-5 Rule 1๏ธโƒฃ


As an intuitive time management system, The 1-3-5 Rule for business lets you tackle one big task, three medium tasks, and five small tasks daily.

Founded by Alex Cavoulacos, this system lets you stay on top of productivity with a structured lists of big, small, and medium tasks that are ordered with priority.  This rule helps businesses focus on their most important objectives while also ensuring progress on smaller tasks.

โœ… How to make it work:

  • Start your day by identifying one major task that aligns with your business goals.
  • Select three medium-sized tasks that support the completion of the major task.
  • List five small tasks that can be completed quickly and contribute to overall progress.
  • Use WordPress task management plugins like Todoist or Trello to organize and track your tasks.

The 1-3-5 Rule provides a structured approach to time management, reducing work overload and increasing productivity.

2. Kanban ๐Ÿ”ฒ


Kanban is a visual project management system that uses boards and cards to show โ€œto-do, ongoing, and finishedโ€ tasks. It helps your teams to visualize the workflow, track progress, and find out the bottlenecks.

Kanban promotes a clear understanding of project status and makes way for quick decision-making.

โœ… How to make it work:

  • Create a Kanban board with columns showing different stages of your workflow.
  • Write tasks on cards and place them in the appropriate column based on their status (like to-do, in-progress, etc.).
  • Regularly review and update the board to ensure tasks are progressing smoothly.
  • Use WordPress Kanban plugins like Kanban for WordPress or WP Project Manager to create digital Kanban boards.

Kanban boosts transparency, collaboration, and efficiency among the team members in the workplace and brings the best out of each one with the highest productivity.

3. 52/17 Method ๐Ÿง 


The 52/17 Rule time management system suggests working for a 52-minute work interval followed by a 17-minute break. That means this cycle, as based on research, indicates that brief breaks boost productivity and focus.

Following the 52/17 Rule can boost productivity, creativity, and employee well-being, while safeguarding the mental health of your team members.

โœ… How to make it work:

  • Use a timer or productivity app to track 52-minute work intervals and 17-minute breaks.
  • Encourage team members to engage in relaxing activities during breaks, such as stretching or walking.
  • Monitor the impact of the rule on productivity and adjust as necessary.
  • You can use WordPress productivity plugins like Pomodone or Focus Booster to schedule work and break intervals.

The most effective benefit of the 52/17 method is that it prevents burnout, maintains energy levels, and promotes sustained concentration.

4. The 4 Ds of Time Management ๐Ÿง 


The 4 Dsโ€”Do, Delegate, Defer, Deleteโ€” are strategies for managing tasks in four stages. They involve categorizing tasks based on their priority and urgency. Even so, it streamlines decision-making and improves productivity.

โœ… How to make it work:

  • Decide each task and determine whether it should be done, delegated to someone else, deferred for later, or deleted altogether.
  • Regularly review and declutter your task list by deleting unnecessary items and ticking tasks that are done.
  • Use task management plugins like Asana or Monday.com to assign and track delegated tasks.
  • Create a system for deferring tasks, such as scheduling them for specific time blocks using WordPress calendar plugins.

The 4 Ds can help you prioritize tasks, optimize resource allocation, and reduce time spent on โ€œnot-so-importantโ€ activities.

5. Eisenhower Matrix ๐Ÿ›ก๏ธ


The Eisenhower Matrix, also known as the Urgent-Important Matrix, arranges the tasks into four quadrants based on their urgency and importance. It helps prioritize tasks by focusing on what is both urgent and important, what is not urgent but important etc. This method boosts decisions, time allocation, and overall productivity.

โœ… How to make it work:

  • List all tasks and projects in a matrix divided into four quadrants: Urgent & Important, Important but Not Urgent, Urgent but Not Important, and Neither Urgent nor Important.
  • Allocate resources and team members to the tasks in the Urgent & Important quadrant first.
  • Delegate tasks in the Important but Not Urgent quadrant to appropriate team members.
  • Schedule tasks in the Urgent but Not Important quadrant to complete later.
  • Eliminate or minimize tasks in the Neither Urgent nor Important quadrant to free up time for high-priority activities.

The Eisenhower Matrix for decision-making enables businesses to differentiate between tasks that require immediate attention and those that can be deferred or delegated later.

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6. The 90-Minute Rule ๐Ÿ™Œ


The 90-Minute Rule advocates for working in focused, uninterrupted intervals of 90 minutes followed by a short break. Backed by research, it maximizes productivity by aligning with the bodyโ€™s natural ultradian rhythm. The 90-minute Rule optimizes work sessions, cuts off distractions, and promotes overall work quality.

โœ… How to make it work:

  • Set a timer for 90-minute work intervals and commit to working without interruptions.
  • Take a short break (e.g., 10-15 minutes) after each 90-minute work session to rest and recharge.
  • Do a little bit of walking, stretching, or free-hand exercises during breaks to reduce fatigue and maintain mental sharpness.
  • Adjust the length of work intervals and break times based on personal preferences and productivity levels.
  • You can use WordPress productivity plugins like Clockify or Harvest to track time spent on tasks and make sure youโ€™re best utilizing the rule.

Maintaining the focus for 90 minutes can lead to peak focus, sustained physical & mental energy, and improved output.

7. The 5S Method ๐Ÿ’ป


The 5S Method is a great way to keep your workplace neat, fast, and secure. It has five principles: Sort, Set in Order, Shine, Standardize, and Sustain. It helps you create a work environment that is organized, tidy, and always improving.

โœ… How to make it work:

  • Go through the work items in the workplace, and keep only the items that you really need. Throw away or move the items you donโ€™t need.
  • Set a designated place for each item and make sure that they are easily accessible and clearly labeled.
  • Regularly clean and maintain the workspace to keep a safe and hygienic environment.
  • Make standard procedures and protocols for maintaining the workflow.
  • Train your team members to participate in the 5S practices daily.

Carrying out the 5S method for workplace organization improves workflow efficiency, reduces waste, and boosts employee morale.

8. The 6W Method ๐Ÿ’ฌ


The 6W Method is a goal-setting framework that involves asking six key questions: Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How. This method helps clarify objectives, build transparency, identify obstacles, and make actionable plans. It includes strategic planning, goal alignment, and effective decision-making.

โœ… How to make it work:

  • Define the goals with the 6w method and ask questions: Who will do it? What do we want to accomplish? When will it be done? Where will it take place? Why is it important? How will it be achieved?
  • Break down the goal into smaller, manageable tasks and assign responsibilities to team members.
  • Regularly review and revise goals based on changing priorities or new urgencies.
  • Celebrate milestones and achievements with your team members to keep the motivation and the workflow.
  • Use WordPress project management plugins like WP Project Manager or UpStream to track progress and collaborate on tasks.

The 6W Method indicates that goals are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound, just like SMART goals, leading to greater success and work accountability.

9. The 12-Week Year ๐Ÿ“ƒ


The 12 12-week year is a time management system that breaks down the yearly goals into 12-week cycles. It leans on the focus, execution, and accountability of each member to achieve significant results in a shorter deadline.

โœ… How to make it work:

  • Set ambitious but realistic goals for the upcoming 12-week period, aligning them with long-term business objectives.
  • Break down each goal into action steps and milestones, and assign responsibilities & deadlines to your team members.
  • Conduct weekly โ€œreview meetingsโ€ to evaluate the progress, celebrate the achievements, and find out the areas for improvement.
  • Leverage WordPress project management plugins like WP Project Manager or Asana to collaborate effectively and track progress on tasks. Track progress regularly using WordPress goal-tracking plugins or spreadsheet tools, adjusting strategies as needed to stay on course.

The 12-week year fosters a huge sense of urgency, drives work momentum, and meets business goals. It asks for continuous improvement, adaptability, and agility to keep up with the fast-work culture.


10. Autofocus ๐Ÿ”


The Autofocus method is designed to allow team members to work on tasks that they naturally love to do. It means selecting the ones that give the vibe right off the bat. It promotes auto-focus, flexibility, creativity, and motivation within the team players.

โœ… How to make it work:

  • Create a master list of tasks with project order or priority level.
  • Scan the list and choose the task that instantly feels okay to work on at that moment.
  • Set a timer to work (like 30 minutes), and focus full gear on the selected task.
  • Reflect on completed tasks and adjust the task list as needed to keep the momentum and align with the goals.
  • Use WordPress task management plugins like Task Manager Pro to organize and track tasks, allowing for easy reference during Autofocus sessions.

Autofocus empowers individuals to prioritize tasks based on their current mindset and energy levels, leading to increased engagement and satisfaction.

11. Getting Things Done (GTD) ๐Ÿ’ช


Getting Things Done (GTD) is a great way to get tasks done, developed by David Allen. Itโ€™s all about writing down, sorting out, arranging, and doing your tasks to have a clear head and work better. It gives you a step-by-step way to handle your tasks, making your mind less messy and your work smoother.

โœ… How to make it work:

  • Collect all incoming tasks & ideas into a document, such as Google Docs or Spreadsheet.
  • For each task, figure out why you have it, what you need to do with it, and where it belongs (e.g., projects, contexts, deadlines).
  • Take action on tasks based on context, energy level, and priority, leveraging WordPress productivity plugins like Todoist or Trello for task execution and tracking.
  • Conduct weekly reviews to check back on the accomplishments, find out the areas for improvement, and reshuffle priorities for the next week.
  • Review and prioritize tasks regularly using WordPress task management plugins like GTDNext or NirvanaHQ, keeping alignment with objectives and deadlines.

GTD enables individuals to focus on meaningful work and make progress towards their goals with confidence.

12. Batch Tasks ๐Ÿค


Batch tasking is when you do the same kind of tasks at the same time, and set a timer for how long you work on them. It helps you work faster by not switching between different things, and paying attention to only one type of work. It makes your brain less tired, more work done, and the team workflow better.

โœ… How to make it work:

  • Select the tasks that can be batched together based on similarity or the same resource needed, like responding to emails, conducting research, or creating content.
  • Allocate the dedicated time blocks on your calendar for each batch of tasks, carrying enough focus and smooth work periods.
  • Track progress and check results to find out opportunities for optimizing batch sizes and refining task grouping strategies.
  • Adjust schedules and priorities as needed to accommodate changes in workload and business objectives.
  • Use WordPress calendar plugins like WP Timetics, or WP Amelia to schedule batch tasking sessions and manage time effectively.

Batch tasking allows your team to automate repetitive tasks and maintain momentum on other activities, saving tons of time and improving work quality.

13. The ABCDE Method ๐Ÿ” 


The ABCDE Method is a prioritization technique that categorizes tasks based on their urgency and importance. It involves assigning letters to tasks and taking action based on their designated priority level. It helps businesses focus on high-impact tasks and minimize time spent on low-priority activities.

โœ… How to make it work:

  • List all tasks and assign each one a letter designation based on its priority level: A (must be done today), B (should be done soon), C (could be done but not urgent), D (delegate), E (eliminate).
  • Prioritize tasks within each category, focusing on completing A tasks first before moving on to lower-priority items.
  • Delegate tasks designated as D whenever possible, leveraging project management tools like Hubstaff or Asana to assign responsibilities and monitor progress.
  • Regularly review and update task priorities to adapt to changing deadlines and business requirements.

The ABCDE Method facilitates effective decision-making and ensures that valuable resources are allocated to tasks with the greatest potential for impact.

14. The 5-Second Rule ๐Ÿ””


The 5-Second Rule is a great technique for overcoming procrastination and taking fast-paced action on tasks. It lets you count down from five and jump straight to action before reaching zero. It promotes quick decisiveness, faster momentum, and better productivity within the teams.

How to make it work:

  • Find out the tasks that you have been procrastinating on or avoiding due to fear or uncertainty.
  • Use the 5-Second Rule technique and start counting down from five and start working before it reaches zero.
  • Break down tasks into smaller, manageable steps to reduce overwhelm and facilitate progress.
  • Implement tools like Focus@Will or StayFocusd to minimize distractions and maintain focus during task execution.
  • Celebrate small victories and acknowledge the progress made by applying the 5-Second Rule consistently.

The 5-Second Rule helps individuals overcome hesitation, reduce anxiety, and initiate tasks with confidence, leading to increased efficiency and achievement.

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15. 80/20 Rule ๐Ÿ“ˆ


The 80/20 Rule, also known as the Pareto Principle, suggests that 80% of results come from 20% of efforts (itโ€™s true though). It highlights the importance of focusing on high-impact tasks that yield the most significant outcomes. It helps businesses like yours identify and prioritize tasks that generate the most value and impact.

โœ… How to make it work:

  • Analyze tasks and activities to identify the 20% that contribute to 80% of desired outcomes or results.
  • Prioritize high-impact tasks and allocate resources accordingly, focusing on activities that align with business objectives and drive growth.
  • Regularly review and reassess task priorities to ensure alignment with changing business needs and market conditions.
  • Delegate or eliminate tasks that fall outside the 20% of high-impact activities to optimize resource allocation and maximize productivity.
  • Use WordPress analytics plugins like MonsterInsights or Google Analytics to track and measure the impact of various tasks and initiatives.

The 80/20 Rule enables resource optimization, strategic decision-making, and goal achievement within businesses.

16. Pomodoro Technique ๐Ÿ…


The famous Pomodoro Technique is a time management method that involves working in focused intervals, typically 25 minutes, followed by short breaks. It aims to enhance productivity and concentration by breaking work into manageable segments.

โœ… How to make it work:

  • Set a timer for 25 minutes and focus on a single task without interruption until the timer rings.
  • Take a short break (not more than 5 minutes), rest, and recharge before starting the next Pomodoro session.
  • After completing four Pomodoro sessions, take a longer break (typically 15-30 minutes), relax, and restart.
  • Apply Pomodoro tools like Tomato Timer or Pomello to track Pomodoro sessions and manage work intervals effectively.
  • Experiment with different Pomodoro session lengths and break durations to find the optimal balance for your productivity.

The Pomodoro Technique improves focus, productivity, and time management skills within businesses. It helps team members maintain energy levels, prevent burnout, and sustain motivation throughout the workday.

17. All-Day Time Block ๐ŸŒด๐Ÿฅฅ


The All-Day Time Block method involves allocating specific time blocks for different categories of tasks or activities throughout the day. It provides structure and organization to daily schedules, allowing individuals to focus on different types of work at designated times. It enables individuals to prioritize tasks, manage distractions, and allocate time for both work and personal activities effectively.

โœ… How to make it work:

  • Identify the different categories of tasks or activities that you need to accomplish during the day, such as work projects, meetings, exercise, and leisure.
  • Allocate specific time blocks for each category, ensuring sufficient time for focused work, breaks, and relaxation.
  • Use WordPress calendar plugins like WP Simple Booking Calendar or WP Timetics to schedule and manage time blocks, allowing for easy visualization and adjustment of daily schedules.
  • Establish boundaries and stick to the allotted time for each activity, minimizing distractions and maximizing productivity.
  • Reflect on daily time blocks to identify areas for improvement and refine scheduling strategies based on productivity and satisfaction levels.

The All-Day Time Block method promotes productivity, efficiency, and work-life balance within businesses.

18. The Franklin-Covey System ๐Ÿ“š


The Franklin-Covey System, based on the principles outlined in Stephen Coveyโ€™s book โ€œThe 7 Habits of Highly Effective People,โ€ emphasizes personal and professional effectiveness through proactive behavior, goal setting, and prioritization.

โœ… How to make it work:

  • Define your core values, mission, and long-term goals, both personally and professionally, to serve as guiding principles for decision-making and prioritization.
  • Identify important roles and responsibilities in your life and establish goals and action plans for each, using WordPress goal-tracking plugins like Goals by Keepify or WP Project Manager to monitor progress.
  • Prioritize tasks and activities based on their alignment with your values, goals, and roles, using task management tools Task List for effective organization.
  • Develop habits and routines that support your goals and values, such as daily planning sessions, regular exercise, and ongoing learning and development.
  • Continuously assess and adjust your actions and priorities to stay aligned with your values and goals, incorporating feedback and lessons learned to improve effectiveness over time.

The Franklin-Covey System fosters leadership, effectiveness, and personal growth within businesses. It provides a framework for aligning actions with values, achieving goals, and cultivating habits that lead to success.

19. The Now Habit ๐Ÿ”


The Now Habit, introduced by Neil Fiore, focuses on overcoming procrastination and perfectionism by adopting a mindset of action and self-compassion. It emphasizes starting tasks without pressure and breaking them down into manageable steps.

โœ… How to make it work:

  • Identify tasks or projects that you have been avoiding due to procrastination or perfectionism.
  • Break down tasks into smaller, actionable steps, setting aside dedicated time for focused work without pressure or judgment.
  • Use WordPress task management plugins like Todoist or Trello to organize and track tasks, allowing for easy visualization and monitoring of progress.
  • Implement mindfulness and relaxation techniques to manage stress and cultivate a positive mindset, with software tools like Headspace or Calm for guided meditation and stress relief.
  • Celebrate progress and accomplishments, acknowledging efforts and achievements without judgment or self-criticism.

The Now Habit promotes productivity, resilience, and psychological well-being within businesses. It helps individuals overcome procrastination, reduce stress, and increase confidence in their ability to accomplish tasks effectively.

20. Time Tracking โŒš


Time tracking involves monitoring and recording the time spent on various tasks and activities throughout the day. It provides insights into productivity, efficiency, and resource allocation, enabling individuals and businesses to optimize their time management strategies.

โœ… How to make it work:

  • Choose a time-tracking tool or software that suits your needs and preferences, such as Toggl, Harvest, or Clockify.
  • Create categories or projects for different types of tasks and activities that you want to track, using WordPress project management plugins like WP Project Manager or Asana for task organization and collaboration.
  • Record time spent on each task or activity accurately and consistently, ensuring that all billable hours and project-related efforts are accounted for.
  • Analyze time-tracking data regularly to identify trends, patterns, and areas for improvement, with WordPress analytics plugins like MonsterInsights or tools like Hubstaff for data-driven insights.
  • Use time-tracking data to make informed decisions, optimize workflows, and allocate resources more effectively, driving productivity and profitability within the business.

Time tracking enhances accountability, transparency, and performance within businesses. It allows managers to monitor employee productivity, track project progress, and identify opportunities for process improvement and optimization.

Wrapping up

These time management systems are awesome ways to help small business owners and WordPress users work better, faster, and smarter. By using these methods with the WordPress plugins & tools to do and track your work, you can make your business run smoothly, get things done quickly, and beat your competitors.

And if youโ€™re looking for the best WP Time Management System with an All-Synced Calendar to keep your teammates on track, check out WP Timetics.

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