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How to Create a Booking Website in WordPress with WP Timetics: 3 Simple Steps

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First and foremost let’s talk about, What is a ‘WordPress Booking Plugin’? 

Nowadays, everyone is a bee!  A busy bee 🐝

If you ever wondered how to create a booking website with a WordPress booking plugins on you own!

You are in the right place! 😀

There are many WordPress Booking plugins and by choosing one you can easily create your own booking website. 

Thankfully, there are many booking plugins in WordPress that bring ease to the everyday life of busy bees and keep businesses trouble-free. 

WordPress booking plugins can organize a business by automating business booking for them. 

Booking systems have gained a great foothold in WordPress. A booking plugin allows a user to conveniently schedule an appointment in no time. 

A booking website is convenient in terms of arranging a meeting, very easy to use and can be operated in a very handy way. The popularity of booking plugins is only increasing with each day. 

In the WordPress Market, there are plenty of booking websites readily available which can create worry for a business regarding which one to go for.

Thus, choosing the most appropriate booking system that would fully customize to your business needs can be a tough and overwhelming choice. 

How to Choose The Right Booking Platform?


There are a number of things that should be considered before signing up for the best booking website for you. Some of the important things to know regarding WordPress Booking Websites are- 

  • A booking plugin must be user-friendly; easy to operate and understandable which can save a lot of time. 
  • Should allow a user to save the appointment in their wordpress index. As a result, it can bring convenience both for the customer as well as the service provider. 
  • Can allow a user to notify the other members or clients of that specific meeting by email or a message.  The members can prepare for the meeting accordingly. 
  • Can be accessed on any device whether it is a phone or a laptop. The convenience of different devices can create comfort for everyone utilizing the booking website. 
  • Other clients can schedule meetings easily as well. 
  • Booking systems or booking websites must ensure a well managed privacy and security. Important information should be kept under strict security. 
  • A well-managed booking website must also incorporate Google Calendar within its system.

What Are Some of the Best Booking Plugins WordPress: 

There are numerous best booking plugins out there. But from the extensive list, we want to mention the following names-

  • Amelia
  • Bookly
  • WPForms
  • StartBooking
  • WP Timetics (That’s us!)

Luckily, for people like us who want a great booking plugin to create a WordPress booking website, WP Timetics exists! An ideal booking website can easily be created with WP Timetics in just a few simple steps. 

WP Timetics is an all-in-one booking plugin that has been getting a lot of recognition for its amazing scheduling features. 

Now, let us see how effortlessly you may create a booking website with WP Timetics. 

WP Timetics: All Appointment & Booking Website Solution Under One Roof


The good news is that WP Timetics incorporates all the necessary features a proper WordPress booking website or plugin needs as mentioned above. A user can benefit from WP Timetics in various ways. 

All the scheduling meeting anxieties can be kept at bay with this all-in-one booking website solution. With WP Timetics, you can- operate your bookings easily, get notified beforehand, plan your business needs accordingly, choose the best-suited package, and most importantly manage your time effectively. 

In order to get started with WP Timetics, once the profiles of the host/user and the clients or the customers have been set up properly and all the personal information, as well as client information, has been updated, as a great WordPress booking website works, the booking for an appointment can be taken from both sides of the stakeholders; the prospective clients as well as the prospective customers. Onto the next steps, the ways meetings or booking can be scheduled on your booking website have been discussed. 

Meetings can be arranged in two ways providing the convenience of whichever one the user wants to utilize. 

WP Timetics scores all the points on having the skill sets great WordPress booking websites should have. Moreover, WP Timetics specializes in some other great features a booking website should offer. Given as such- 

  • An automated way of appointment booking.
  • Schedule an appointment way ahead of the actual date
  • Get notified beforehand so you never miss out! 🙂
  • Organize all your appointments on your booking website. 
  • Easily get payment from your appointment booking when needed.
  • Spend your time effectively cause WP Timetics knows your time is precious! ❣️
  • Swiftly manage and look after all your appointments through your booking websites
  • Enjoy a more relaxed way of tackling meetings with your own booking website.
  • Your best choice to automate any repetitive bookings and seamlessly run your WordPress booking website. 

A WordPress booking website created with WP Timetics will help your business in all sorts of ways. And WP Timetics is only waiting to be your friend to make a great all-in-all encompassing WordPress booking plugin for YOU! 🙂 

Create a Booking Website with WP Timetics:

In this section, we’ll let you know the process of how you can create a complete booking website by using WP Timetics. So, let’s get started!

Step 1: Setting Up Profile: 

Once WP Timetics gets activated in the WordPress Dashboard, a user can customize all their profile information. 

Go to your WordPress dashboard:


Click on Plugins → then Add New


On the Search Plugin Option → Search WP Timetics → Then Install and Activate.

Once it is activated all the features of WP Timetics can be accessed.


If you’re interested in checking out the pro features, you can explore more by clicking on the button below!

Step 2: Personalize Your Availability on Your Booking Website: 

The user can allocate their available dates in the calendar. WP Timetics has integrated with Google Meet as well as Google Calendar which is indeed one of the key features for a great booking website.

Very Recently, WP Timetics introduced iCal integration or Apple Calendar which is one of the most user-friendly calendars in the market. 

And WP Timetics knows all your booking website needs!


Ongoing profile information can also be updated at any time accordingly in your website. After that, all the management/staff information can also be updated in the same way and invitations for the appointment can be forwarded/sent to them. 

Step 3: Creating a Booking Website with WP Timetics: 

Now that is the most significant step a service provider signed up for!

Click on WP TimeticsMeetings Create New 


There are 3 types of meetings created for different preferences. There are One to One (for one-to-one enclosed sessions), One to Many (best suited for taking online classes or any kind of seminars), and One to Many with Seat Plans (organized way of holding conferences, seat division for cinema hall or restaurant seat booking). 

Afterward, a booking form regarding a few simple details would appear that’s where- 


There are 4 sections in this step that includes the customer’s name, the customer’s email, select meeting (pre-selected before moving to this step), and status.

Simply fill in the details and click Create Meeting.


That is how a booking website can be made and it is that easy with WP Timetics!

Step 4: Get Notified In Your Booking Website

Once the user/host has given information about what sort of meeting system they want to go for and all the personal and clientele information has been updated, then the next step is to accept the booking accordingly from both sides (Host and Customers). 

Besides, a booking can be rescheduled too according to both parties’ convenience due to unavoidable circumstances. 

WP Timetics provides all the convenience for your booking website. 

The host, the clients, and the customers would get notified beforehand by Email notifications regarding scheduled dates, rescheduling, and cancellations, this feature can be enabled from their WP Timetics settings.

Reminders and notifications of the meeting/appointment can also be set easily by personalizing the time and day in regards to when one wants to get notified. Moreover, there are e-mail notifications as well as text messages. 

Whatever works for you! We got you! 

Step 5: Flexible Payment Methods: 

If you are a nutritionist or a doctor making a WordPress booking website for patients or a personal fitness trainer making a booking website or a teacher and a class instructor making an educational-based WordPress booking website you can set up any payment method that works the best for you. 

WP Timetics has two flexible payment options: Stripe or Local Payment.


WP Timetics booking system truly incorporates all the necessities of a great booking plugin and with WP Timetics a user can avail flexibility in various terms as a result, efficiency can be obtained for running a business through WP Timetics booking websites and handling meetings with your different clients. WP Timetics brings proper convenience from the ends of both parties; the user/host as well as the client/customers. Sign up with WP Timetics to create your own booking website and effectively deal with all your meetings and booking appointments. 

While you have to tackle the world of competitive businesses,  WP Timetics Booking Plugin can take care of your scheduling needs. This is the reason why it is so popular because of its excellent efficiency. 

Hence, WP Timetics booking websites can be extremely beneficial for a business. The most important feature it delivers is that it can strengthen the operational activities of a business since booking plugins save an ample amount of time on a daily basis.

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